Grounding technique's for trauma responses
Here are some quick ideas for when you are in a position where you feel you need grounding back to where you are currently. Dissociation is a common effect that people who have experienced trauma find happening. Please always speak to a health professional about whether you are experiencing symptoms like these as you will be offered direct support.
5,4,3,2,1 Technique
This technique brings awareness to your environment by using your 5 senses. It can be done anywhere that is safe and even better if you are sat/lay down encase you feel faint.
Name 5 things you can see- window? Outside? Are you in a room?
What are 4 things you can feel- Clothing, chair, floor etc
Can you hear 3 things? – can you hear traffic, people talking, a ticking clock?
What are 2 things you can smell? – does something smell on your clothes? Your hair? In the room?
What’s 1 thing you can taste? – a good thing here is to carry around gum, mints, anything you can pop in your mouth to focus on.
Senses - extended
Name 20 things you can see
Can you find something in the room that looks new/old?
Pick a colour and find what things are that colour
Environment e.g. flowers, pet
Favourite music
Nature sounds/ white noise
hum a nursery rhyme or your favourite song
Hold ice
find and feel 5 different textures
hold and cuddle your pet
Taste: Mints
Play a memory game
Count backwards from 100 in 3's
Use an anchoring phrase e.g. " I am (name), I am (age) years old. I live at (address) ... I am currently in my (current place e.g. car, the shop...) "
Move: *only if you are safe and able to do so*
Go on a short walk
Do 10 jumping jacks
Run on the spot for 60 seconds
Dance to a song you play on the radio/tv
Tense one of your body parts individually for 5 seconds then release ( e.g. hands) then move to the next body part
Charli Davies
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