Here are 5 free Apps you can download from the Apple App store to help with you mental Wellbeing. Remember these aren't a substitute from medical advice or therapy!

I first came across this app after watching the creators talk on TED. This free game of sorts it focused on how you can make small changes to create big changes in your mental health. You play by creating a goal in what you want to improve on then challenging yourself to mini challenges. Its been recently put through clinical trials on the psychological impact it has on depressive symptoms with positive results! It helps with: emotional control, mindset, sense of purpose, social connectiveness and more.
Link to TED talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/jane_mcgonigal_the_game_that_can_give_you_10_extra_years_of_life?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare

I Am Sober
Calm Harm is a App specifically developed for people who struggle with addiction however can also be used for other self harming behaviours like cutting. What it does is time the amount you haven't done it for (been sober). Although the App is quite limited to this function it does allow you to see how often, or less often you have been doing the self-harming behaviour.

Apart of me
This beautiful game was created for young people who are grieving. Although adults can find this game helpful through their own grieving process. In the game you are on an island and have to complete small tasks. As I said before it is beautiful, the graphics and music are calming and within the game you meet other characters (based on real people) and their stories about their own bereavement.
I would recommend to anyone over the age of 7.

Calm Harm
Calm harm is another which was specially developed for self harming behaviours, however this App can be used for other thing like anxiety. you have a choice of wither a 5 minute distraction or 15 minutes. It gives you loads of distraction activities which you can choose from or pick one at random.

This free App is specially for those who suffer with PTSD. It comes with three functions: stopper tab, resolve tab, and a meditation section.
The sections ask you questions to take you through getting through trauma responses like flashbacks and give you instructions how to self soothe.
Charli Davies
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The Trainee Counsellor's Workbook now on amazon:
