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Self-Care for clients/therapists

Writer: Charli DaviesCharli Davies

Updated: Mar 21, 2022

What is it?

Self-care is a relatively new term and is now used as a buzzword for media relating to anyone taking time out to look after their own needs. Although this may seem like a new trend, the practice of this has been implemented over centuries e.g. mediation, relaxing baths, date nights away from the children.

Why do it?

Self-care is a necessity for humans to regulate emotions, to improve their well-being and maintain feelings of healthiness. Self-care can also reduce feelings of ‘burnout’ from home and peoples professional lives; especially those in a caring profession.

You probably practice self-care now, you may even say:

“I definitely have self-care because I watch Coronation Street on my own once a week”.

But the importance of self-care, isn’t just doing one thing on you own a couple of times a week, but it’s about tracking how this makes you feel and if it benefits your whole being.

How to track self-care?

When I look at lists of the many ideas of self-care e.g. take a bath, drink coffee in the garden, go for a hike, I just see a list of things that could make the majority of people a bit happier for a short period of time.

Instead of just taking to these lists and ticking off what might have some effect on you, you should ask yourself the following questions.

· Do I genuinely enjoy this? - (not ‘well I should like reading but I can’t really get into this book’) There is NO point in making a self-care list To-Do if it will just feel like another chore.

· Would I happily put this into my day/ week? (Not ‘well I was going to sit in the garden but it would be better to finish the washing’). Again this relates to the question above, but the point of self-care is looking at your own needs which should take prominence over other menial tasks. If you think that cleaning out the fridge for an hour is more important than looking after you needs by doing self-care, then your self-care choice is not fulfilling.

· Will this affect me in the long term by doing this self-care? If you enjoy reading, by making time to do this long term this will fill you with happiness and the escapism you feel you need.

· Have a picked a mix of self-care that pins into all areas of my life? Self-care with the family e.g. walk to the park with the kids, Relationship self-care e.g. date nights, work self-care e.g. turn email notifications off when at home.


Self-care ideas

Now I’m not saying don’t look at ideas on how to create a bit of love and care for yourself!

By all means please do, just track whether this is the right self-care for you and your life.

Here are some ideas below to try out:



Take time off when you are sick

Get a full nights rest

Wear clothes you like

Take a day trip

Practice martial arts


Get a massage

Eat healthy


See a counsellor



Start a new hobby

Spend time outdoor


Go to sporting event


Reread favourite book

Cry over a film

Play with children

Contact family/friends



Nature walks

Identify what it meaningful/ gratitude journal

Nurture others

Listen to inspiring music

Workplace/ professional

Go outside for lunch break

Identify what goals you want to achieve in work

Have a colleague support group

Rearrange work space

Limit email/ communication outside work hours

Charli Davies

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The Trainee Counsellor's Workbook now on amazon:



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